Atalan Law Office renders consultancy services in producing, transmitting and finance subjects with regards to electricity, wind, natural gas and also renewable energy such as solar energy, biomass, and biofuel. The main field of business in the sector are: energy plants, petrol, gas, and mining. Atalan Law Office has vast experience in energy agreements and also participated in material privatization in the sector as a legal consultant.
Some of the legal services provided by Atalan Law Office in Energy and Mining Law are as next:
• Any kind of lincence application and amendment with regards to the energy market
• Executing any procedures with regards to EPDK(Energy Market Regulatory Authority)
• Establishing energy companies and drafting due diligence reports of them and conducting share transfers
• Emission reduction purchase agreement ( ERPA)
• Drafting Consession Agreements
• Drafting drilling and rehabilitation agreements
• Drafting production-sharing agreements
• Drafting licence agreements